Friday, June 21, 2013

Arising from the Ashes

Like a majestic phoenix

Anyway, I'm hoping to revive this blog somewhat soon, with a few modifications as to its purpose. I've been using tumblr for most of my social blogging needs, and it has served as a better platform for that, as well as for casual and fan art. I find that blogspot is better for serious posting, though, and it's a lot more personal--more like a journal or, you know, an actual blog.

So I would like to re-purpose this for more substantial thoughts and opinions, as well as more in-depth recording of life and whatnot. The hope is that it might remain mostly uncluttered in comparison to tumblr (or facebook or any other platform involving interacting with masses of people).

That probably means continued infrequent or irregular posting, but who really cares. I don't, and I think I'm the only person who looks at this page, so whatever. 

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